Light and Life Journal:
An Exploration of the Spiritual
Issue 18
If the world is
indeed “quickening,” as the Urantia Book says, then what
exactly does that mean?
Is it like
tearing off a hangnail, one that’s painful because it has gone
“into the quick?” That means it reached the point of pain. The
world seems to have reached that point.
“Quicken” is
often used to describe a heartbeat. It quickens when it gets
scared, or excited, or agitated. This also seems like our
current times.
We are certainly
in times where events are happening so fast that they seem to
stumble all over themselves trying to be comprehended or
understood in relation to everything else. The sum total of
human knowledge keeps doubling again and again, even as the
greed and madness seem to grow in some quarters as well. Don’t
we often say, “Things are happening too fast?”
It seems all of
the above is true and more. People’s minds are quickening; our
souls are quickening, all from the influx of new perspectives
brought on by the explosion in global communications and our
evolving minds. Where these new perspectives are spiritual in
context, then we get an array of globally published
information that ranges somewhere between “Amazing Stories”
and Holy Writ.
Simone, in South
Africa, former manager of the Magisterial Mission email list,
has collected varied sources of channeled material coming
across the Internet today. I was amazed to see the sheer
volume, and also how much of it melds into extraterrestrial
contact and overthrow of the reputed Dark Cabal (big money
interests) that dominate the world.
Altogether, the
array of channeling today could be called anything from
revelation to mythology. Of course, if and when ET’s are
revealed, then it will all take on another reality.
Here’s a line-up
of sources for channeled transmissions and a bit about
George Barnard, in Australia, and worldwide associates
present transmissions from many celestial personalities,
including Midwayers, who live on the planet, and your
Indwelling Spirit. Here is the
site introduction:
“So you see 1111, 111,
11:11, 12:12, or 4:44 all over the place? Too often to be mere
coincidence? Well, you are not alone anymore. We think there
are now over 1 million folks seeing these prompts
“These prompts are
caused by a group of fun-loving angels. What George Barnard
originally called the Mille-Cent-et-Onze. In fact George first
saw the 11 past 11 time signals well before the invention of
the digital clock. But it's much easier to spot
digital prompts these days.
“The 11:11 Wake-Up
Calls on your clocks, VCR’s and microwaves are the
"trade-mark" prompts of a group of just 1,111 fun-loving
Spirit Guardians, or Angels. Once they have your attention,
they will use other digits, like 12:34, or 2:22 to remind you
of their presence. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real
physical beings.
“Our earthly 1,111
Angels, often called "Midwayers," have been assisting folks of
all walks of life for many centuries. George Barnard has been
privileged to call them his family, his co-workers, friends
and teachers for almost
Here is a sample
channeling from the 11.11 family from Dante Alighieri, author
of the Divine Comedy:
“As you read our
(Divine) Comedy these days, understand that it was what was
needed at the time, as many who had just passed on, or were
still alive, were portrayed as suffering the heat of Inferno,
the doubts of ever being able to leave Pergatorio, yes, the
bliss of
Paradiso for
some few. And some of these places that only ever existed in
man’s mind and religious dogma, represented the stick behind
the door. Generously, let us call it a club behind the door to
“It is only
after these centuries that I can now view my work of many
years as having kept countless on the straight and narrow with
the truth as it was understood by the masses of that time,
although a comedy, as I noted it to be.
“Revelation to
our beloved world must always come at a slow pace, indeed,
although you have made great strides in that the Father is now
an unconditionally loving Head of Household in the eyes of
ever more of His children.
“All here who
hail from our planet, and from all former rebel planets, pray
daily, as do I, for you to reach your goal of Light and Life,
more swiftly, more easily, less painfully than some of you
might imagine your Potentials to be.”
The Ground
Crew, led by Valerie Donner, presents transmissions
that assist us with personal and global awakenings.
Consciousness Center. Donna D’Ingillo and
associates, now in Oakland, CA, provide generational healing
services and transmissions from Christ Michael and other
celestials. Here is a recent transmission:
November 4,
children, begin your day with me anew. This
is your Father
Michael, and I
long to share each day with you as you go about your daily
routine. I know
the challenges you face as you attempt to bring a
perspective into your daily life. Remember,
I lived a human life
as you now live,
and who better than me to help you walk through each
Your earthly
lives are not ease-filled; they are rigorous and challenging
As you learn
from each experience, building upon what you have lived to
produce. Yet,
there is a quality of majesty and grandeur that you can
bring to each
situation through an attitude of being grateful for the
moment at
hand. Instead of being task-oriented; try
being moment-focused
and feel
grateful that you have this one moment.
Notice what this does to
outlook. Does it make your task at hand
easier to accomplish?
Master this
technique, my children, to be moment-focused.
Explore the ways
this simplifies
your life. This is one of the small
techniques I mastered
during my
earthly life, and I wish to share it with you to improve your
quality. Call me to help you in these
moments, and we will share them
together in
joy. You will be surprised at the
Diane Cota-Robles transmits Light Beings and holds
seminars on creating a spiritually conscious and connected
life. She is a
popular speaker on the new spirituality circuit.
The Padgett
Papers. These channeled messages from Jesus and other
personalities, including his apostles and even Judas, have
long been available, if little known. Now comes a transmission
from Jesus clarifying when the times of The Second Coming
actually began. A global network of channeling groups carries
forward these supernal connections. A good place to start is:
The Quantum
Awakening. Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, in Dandridge,
TN, has long provided supernal messages to help us awaken our
inherent energies for these quickening times. See her
newsletter for a recommended recent article: “You Are Not Who
You Were Last Week,” reflecting these times of personal
transformation, whether we’re ready or not.
Michael and other teachers speak through Ronna
Herman at She presents a
wide array of spiritually energizing materials, including this
1. Always look
for and identify the challenge in a negative
2. Ask yourself
"where do I fit in this picture?"
3. Is it a
problem or just a 'situational opportunity for greater
understanding and growth?'
4. Remember, a
problem can never be resolved at the vibrational level in
which it was created.
5. Answers to
every situation are derived by expanding your
6. Ask yourself
"whose problem is this?"
7. If it is your
problem, how are you going to solve it?
8. If it is not,
are you going to allow it to become your problem?
9. If it is not
your problem, are you willing to seek an inner understanding
of the situation, and then bless him/her and let it
10. There are
times when it is appropriate to be an observer and allow those
around you to resolve their own problems. You do not always
have to ENGAGE in a negative situation.
Pleiadians, as delivered by Nancy Marciniak in Bringers
of the Dawn and other books, are now also represented by
others, noted below. Ms. Marciniak has a subscriber newsletter
and has recently begun narrating the book’s chapters for
availability on the Internet. You can find them at under spiritual
From this list
of folks we know, we go to a greater array of channelers and
presenters of earth-moving information. Choose from them for
explorations and fasten your seat belts:
Dr. Rich
Boylan at is the stalwart
presenter of information on ET’s, their working relationship
with the planet’s powerful elite, and the pending universal
contact with these personalities . Their mission relates to
the cleansing of corruption and environmental poisons and
bringing us into the interplanetary family, and is often
related to the also-pending spiritual reclamation of the
UK Light.
Mike Quinsey’s is an epicenter
of channeled messages, including the human networking with the
Galactic Federation, the Pleiadian Council, Diane from the
planet Sirius, and a writer named Aurelia Louise Jones, who
has revealed a lost civilization of surviving and highly
advanced Lemurians living within Mount Shasta, California, in
the subterranean city of Telos. Read more at St. Germain,
an Ascended Master, sent a recent message there reviewing the
fine spectrum of influences on the planet today. Books in this
realm are at, Mount Shasta
Light Publishing.
The Planetary
Activation Network and Sheldan Nidle are the longtime primary
source of information about the galactic organizations and
impendiung contact with their starfleet. His books are on the
L&L site.
Logs from Celia Fenn at cover such
topics as shifting the internal point of gravity and awakening
to our starseed potentials. She is in Cape Town, South
Earth Energy
Healing. Russell Boulding at sends
information on his new healing network at He is an
environmental earth scientist and is predicting no
catastrophic earth changes. Planetary healing folks seem
always aligned with spiritual emissaries who come to help us
with a new world. Russell, in Bloomington, IN, reports 110
members in 15 countries. He recently spoke on balancing
masculine-feminine energies during the planetary reawakening
and reempowerment, as well as working with 3D energy systems.
Agents of
Light. Now comes Bryan James with the Circles of Light
website in California. This newsletter hooks into the
galactic-spiritual channeling mixes of the day, with recent
news that the Galactics have infused both House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez with positive
energies for the work ahead. He punctuates his newsletter by
selling such three-figure “Extreme Lightwork” services as ego
program removal, comfort zone removal, kundalini activation,
past life interventions, bad seed removal, and
implant/matrix-type gear removal. Bryan recently reported that
15 million souls have been reclaimed from the Nether Worlds
Reclamation project. I decided to pass on this newsletter and
not to have my ego removed. I might just lay around and watch
TV all day.
International continues to market the books and channeling
of Benjamin Crème and the celestial teacher Maitreya at Check out
their multi-media efforts at Much of their
activity has been publishing visual phenomenon around the
world and crediting it to Maitreya, who heads a band of
supernal teachers.
Library. From, you can get a
mailbox full of channeling on subjects ranging from deep inner
spirituality to the swirling planetary changes and human
consciousness awakenings of the new age. The Divine Light of
Spirit recently reported establishment of a new earth grid
anchor in Dubai in a message from Kuthumi. The sheer volume of
channeled material coming through here was surprising to me.
Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation. These are all
in the earth history weavings of Michael Tasarion, who has a
book explaining many mysteries of life and mythology at
Kirael, a
master celestial teacher, has spoken at length about the earth
shift through Fred Sterling in Hawaii, He provides
this information about a new energy form: “Photon energy is
the powerful new energy source that will replace electricity
in the new millennium. It's a free energy source and nobody
can monopolize it. Its outer edge or belt has already reached
Earth's atmosphere and is affecting not only Earth, but also
many planets in the solar system. Photon energy is light
energy, and it permeates the Earth in waves. It has the power
to extend human life because it realigns the human body into a
light body. Photon energy vibrates at a very high frequency
and confers the power of instant manifestation of thought.
Therefore, it is essential to maintain clarity and purity of
thought by practicing daily meditation, being in the ‘now’ and
staying heart-centered. In one sense, the Great Shift
in Consciousness is the evolution of Mother Earth and her
inhabitants into the realm of photon energy for the next 2,000
So … there are
some spiritual explorations that all relate to “quickening”
times. And here are some others.
X. The researchers at have an amazing
collection of readings that link ancient artifacts and history
with extraterrestrial visitations and influences. We’re
highlighting their 10 Most Amazing Artifacts on another part
of the site. They have much to read about the ancient
Sumerians. Highly recommended site for spiritual
PARTY. Da Vid, M.D. and artist, has founded The Light
Party, a “wholistic new paradigm political party” taken from
the best of our now active parties. He features a wholistic
synergistic platform to achieve “health, peace and freedom”
for all. He is director of the San Francisco Medical Research
Foundation and a write-in candidate for President of the
United States.
MEDITATIONS NETWORK is back in action after a too-long
absence, with Barbara Wolfe’s newsy collection of
spiritual-related calendar events over the world. Barbara spoke
at the 4th Global Symposium Dec. 7-10 in India, on
“Mass Consciousness Resolves Conflicts, Brings Peace.” The
symposium site is:
interest is high. Another new book is Fred Reiss, “Ancient
Secrets of Creation: Sepher Yetzira, the Book That Started
Kabbalah, Revealed.” The author believes the Kabbalah can’t
truly be understood without an understanding the older text.
MIND. Friend Steve Tiller is a widely heralded author of
children’s books with spiritual values at To help poor
kids get good books in their “People Pass It On” program,
adjoined with Toys for Tots, please visit the site and
consider this charity for the holiday season.
EDGE essays on many critical world topics are seen by New
Heaven, New Earth news service subscribers. Many topics are
religious or spiritual, including a recent report from the
Arlington Institute ( about an
impending major financial disruption in the world. A Reuters
story is featured which discusses research into the Noah’s Ark
flood legend. A massive European flood 8,300 years ago
scattered the continent’s early farmers and gave rise to the
legend. A British team has announced that a collapse of the
North American ice sheet raised global sea levels by as much
as 1.4 meters, displacing tens of thousands of people.
DAY is being promoted by Kevin Reid, who has composed a
world anthem called “We Are One” at his site, I was
fascinated to read the blog story of how Kevin joined up with
musicians and plain everyday people around the world to
co-create a beautiful piece of music. You’ll enjoy the global
slide show. To support the unity project, as L&L will, go
THERAPY. Dr. Kathy McMahon has a fine article in Peak Oil
magazine about economic and planetary collapse as a possible
therapeutic issue. Within, she takes to task blithely
optimistic people with “panglossian disorder.” That’s
described as “the neurotic tendency toward extreme optimism in
the face of likely cultural and planetary collapse.” If it all
appears “likely” to Kathy, can we count her in the
pessimist column then? Oh no, she would say “realist.”
Everyone likes to be considered a “realist.” Alas, there are
so many separate realities. If we can all balance our
pessimism and optimism, we'll have it just right.
NATIONS IN JERUSALEM? A UN for religions, not countries,
is being proposed by Israel’s Ashkenazi chief rabbi Yonah
Metzger, in a meeting with the Dalai Lama, who promised to
help advance the idea.“Instead of planning for nuclear war and
buying tanks and fighter jets, it will invest in peace,” said
the rabbi. Read more at:
HEART. Fred Burks shares at his discovery
of the Institute of Heart Math at Research there
shows that emotions work much faster and are more powerful
than thoughts, and that, in the human body, the heart is much
more important than the brain to emotional well-being, even
cognitive function. Pretty amazing to me, for what some
dismiss as a blood pump.
Two sides to the
coin … Jackie Lapin announces her new book, The Art of
Conscious Creation: How You Can Transform the World. It follows the
power of positive thinking school and brings it to full
fruition creation.
At the same
time, author Alexandra Bruce takes on the credibility
of “The Secret” phenomenon and the Power of
Intention, and dissects its sources in Beyond the
Secret: The Definitive Unauthorized Guide To The Secret,
published by the Disinformation Company at She defines
the sources of the philosophy, including Wallace D. Wattles’
book, “The Science of Getting Rich,” and includes that entire
book in her volume. Well ... Would you buy a book from a
disinformation company? There’s an interesting history about
their creation and current mission as an alternative voice,
which you can check out at their site. The author has
previously published an “unauthorized guide” to the “What the
Bleep” film. Likely, she’s a skeptic who wants to say none of
these ideas are new, but I haven’t read either of these books.
I do believe that the greatest wisdom of all time is not new.
I am not personally interested in thinking to grow rich. I am
rich. We could sure use some more website visitors; maybe I
can figure how to intend it ... and some more outreach too.
REVELATION by Stella Religa is a unique study of
the Book of Revelations, correlating the document with the
teachings of the Urantia Book’s Jesus papers, and finding much
compatibility. Stella makes the apostle John’s visions come
alive and into reality at and her book is
also among Saskia Raevouri’s fine Urantia Book related
offerings at
MIND is a new DVD label founded by Richard Lorber
in July, and now offering its first documentary production,
“Secrets of the Soul.” The two-hour
production explores the concept of the soul from many
religious paths, from native Americans to “mediums who claim
to communicate with the dead.” The company’s second
productions will be the trilogy, “Woman and Spirituality” by
Donna Reed, which is scheduled for release in early
LIFE. There is a treasure chest of information on the art
of yoga breathing for good health at Much of the
information and the exercises are free and bountiful on the
list. Thanks Simone for the turn-on.
TALK. If you’re interested in these beautiful, intelligent
and apparently well-connected mammals, you can read a lot at
MIND. Dave and Gail Miller in Michigan have an
inspired site for sharing jewels of spiritual consciousness at
CENTER. If you’re one of those siblings who can’t get
enough of Kindness in your life, here’s a bountiful place
indeed, with opportunities to get a daily perk-up e-mail. “Random acts
of kindness” is an opportunity that’s open to
MEDITATION. Should this be your lofty goal, the man to
help is Anmol Mehta at He’s a family
man with a lifelong love of Meditation and Kundalini Yoga and
a mission to share. Free online courses are available, and are
“geared towards helping students achieve health, happiness and
wisdom, with an emphasis on self-realization.”
BUFFA is a gifted spiritual essayist whose site features her
writing. She’s an active University of Michigan alum who
produces sophisticated Cold Fusion Internet applications and
lives in Phoenix, AZ. We’ll be featuring some of her excellent
writing on the L&L site soon.
CONSCIOUSNESS in new media is on display at, which reviews
new higher-consciousness creative work and operates an
Internet radio station. Just discovered their fine site and
noted a new book about “The Orbs,” those amazing circles that
show up in photographs. They feature music, books, and DVDs.
If you're looking for positive music that expresses the loving
values, tune in to New Cosciousness Radio at the site. Common
Ground will be playing on the station.
GRACE. A new essay on “Grace” from Norma Gentile,
the lovely spiritualist behind, reminded me of
her continuing vibrational healing work. She is a sound
shaman, singer and healer who offers concerts, workshops and
healings and has a great deal of free material on her site. If
you've suspected that sound has healing qualities, you are
right, and Norma brings them to dynamic life.
MONKS SPEAK. Fr. Marcus St. Antony writes from
Saint Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery in Yermo, CA, asking
for promotional assistance for two books from the monastery.
Unspeakable Truth: The New Praise in Spirit and Truth
and The Frontier Between Life and Death: The Perpetual
Virginity of the Theotokos Saint Mary are both 5x8
paperbacks and available at the institution. Since the
correspondence was by postal letter and no website listed, and
since we can’t market the books for him, I would suggest
chatting with if you’re
interested in buying the books or exploring how modern-day
monks speak to the virginity subject and other issues in
their library of books. Fr. St. Antony said monies from book
sales will go to a youth charity program. They sent hardcopies
of book excerpts but, needless to say, it's hard to come up
with an hour or two for keystroking these days. Perhaps there
is a Catholic reader who will help with Father with some 21st
century marketing (not the real estate kind).
Hope you’ve
enjoyed this issue. Here's a poem from an incarcerated loving
and caring fellow named David, now behind prison walls
but certainly connected to the true light and sharing it with
The Moment the
Creator thought of you,
His Universe
The Moment you
chose your life and Parents,
the world was
The Moment you
made your first moral Choice,
God joined in
your Journey.
The Moment you
gave unconditional Love to another,
Your Love was
sent across the Universe
like a ripple in
a still pond.
The Moment you
gave loving service to
Your fellow
human out of compassion,
You Honored
The Moment you
chose to call God your “Father,”
He blessed your
name as
The Moment you
chose to do your
Father’s will in all things,
And cherished
His Moments with you,
reading the Light and Life Journal. Explore the Spiritual
Universe in all media at We have 3
Spiritual Lyrical Concerts with 34 songs playing and a Video
Showcase featuring some of the most thought-provoking
spiritual journeys of the time. The Urantia Papers are a free
In closing,
here’s one of my recent ditties. It’s about God and the
various gods, and how all paths and all gods always lead to
God the Real.
So many global
spiritual movements, so many cosmic connections
warn us of
catastrophes in kindly spoken confections
that tell us we
are really stars if we can make us shine
and if we will
turn to love each other, then all will be just
But I wonder if
they can all be real, and aren't they in a
not to
acknowledge each other's presence. How could that alienation
I think to
myself that each has a niche, that they're the same mission
but different
One day they'll
announce in an unusual bounce that'll make the names
Mr. Kirael,
greet Mr. Kryon. Maitreya and Machiventa too should
I hope that Raj
really won't dodge an encounter with Dr.Boylan's ET
Here's Olfana
and Aflana. With the Internet, they might reach
and other
supernal teachers, guides, gurus and angels can
bringing CDs,
books and reportage, for spiritualists chewing
that turn into
workshops and seminars for a fee. Yikes!
It's a busy
spiritualist scene. Channels, clairvoyants and prophets
imaginations and
products from their unique genes.
One day when
Aaron and Zarath come together, and when all reveal each
I can only
wonder at the unity that could sing.
So Melchizedeks,
seers and dreamers, let's get all your flows in a
It might
validate you if you would say that everybody's
My free will
mind is in a corner, can't see the oneness in all the
from cannons
blowing at us that they're the one true way, so
I know the
Ascended Masters know Jesus
and the
Pleiadians and Sirians wouldn't deceive us
just to make us
think that they're the entire show.
Where's all the
community you would bring?
Isn't it part of
what you sing?
Can you help
make the circle spin and grow?
There are
channels, transmitters and visionaries
Offering to us
from apothecaries
of healing,
soothing, energizing balms for life
aromas, ego healings.
To those who
think they're sick, it must be appealing
to buy that
peace and raise themselves from strife.
One day when the
healers join each other
find the paths
of cooperation that further
our search for
spirit growth to really be well,
Then we will
experience how working together
creates a
oneness power to gather,
transcend the
separateness that creates our only "hell."
I dreamed one
day we got that great visit
A spaceship set
down with luminaries in it.
Anukai stepped
out to wave, down to Yahweh and Zeus.
We had a grand
old get-acquainted,
ancient and
newer Gods, none of them rated
It felt like we
were all eggs of the Golden Goose.
And then the
Gods decided, starting with the Michaels
that we should
all together, as one, be Oracles
by worshipping
as one here, on this firmament we hold dear.
Turn our selves
as One to The Source.
After, all, all
gods and humans are on that course
of ascending our
souls by knowing God as the Universe Force.
In the end, all
gods we've imagined and conveniently shod
with traits
sometimes that really shouldn't be there, by
They will
rapidly fall away, just like our feet of clay
and we'll see
the Great ONE above all facade.
What we've each
imagined and thought all this time isn't God.
God is the
Supreme Being beyond our mind
and gracious
enough to be with us all the time
and empower all
the gods of all our times
While God
Inside Alone makes it rhyme.
Issue 17 Fall 2007
Exploring the
Spiritual Universe on a planet with millions of unique free
will mortals can take on many colors. We’ve collected here
some movements and sites that stretch from the most basic
spiritual questions (Is there life after death?) to the most
profound new perspectives involving extraterrestrials and a
complex, conversant spiritual hierarchy.
You are welcome
to think them profoundly insightful or purely nonsense,
elemental or fantastic or revealing. Off we go.
Brotherhood Union/Mevlana Supreme Foundation is introducing a
new spirit of unification and consciousness to the world and
invites your visit to to read about
their programs and an upcoming worldwide gathering. We have
friends attending and will have reports. Check out their
celestial revelation, The Knowledge Book, now translated to
POWER. The Common Bond Institute is holding an international
conference on “Engaging the Other: The Power of Compassion”
Oct. 25-28 in Dearborn, Michigan
USA. The institute is supported by over 85
organizations and universities, including the Harmony
Institute and Pathways to Peace Foundation.
RESOURCE. Friends in Tel Aviv have
developed a huge online resource for information on the Jewish
Kabbalah at It includes
new video and visual technology with which to explore the
ancient tome.
SINIXT NATION. We were led to discover information recently
about the officially extinct Sinixt Indians of western Canada, finding
that despite massive efforts to exterminate the tribe by the
invading Europeans, there are still Sinixt families living
today. Just as the US west was swept by “manifest destiny,” so
too was Canada. Through the
efforts of Alex Peacemaker and others today, the Sinixt people
are seeking official recognition and to rise above extinct
status with the government. There is a Sinixt website now
being built. In the meantime, a trove of historical
information is at a German university,
The Forever Family Foundation is exploring related questions
January 19-20, 2008, in Oceanside, NY. They
are bringing together consciousness experts to explore proofs
and understandings about life after death. Though it’s a
scientific conference, planners say it will be geared to
general audiences, and will feature bodies of evidence on
near-death experiences, reincarnation, the nature of
consciousness, quantum physics, ghosts and apparitions,
afterlife encounters, mediumship and other phenomena. Details
COMFORTS. Amy Halvatzes reminds us to empower free donations
of food to animal shelters across the US by clicking on Advertisers
there donate a portion of a bowl of food for every click, and
some folks click there daily. While there, I noted other
advertiser-driven causes, including one to Save the Rain
Telegraph reports that the Pope has ruled against the cause of
Patricia De Menezes of Surrey. She claims an apparition of the
Virgin Mary in a pine tree told her to seek martyrdom for all
children deliberately killed before birth. The Vatican noted
that a martyr is someone who bears witness to Christ and ruled
against her Community of Divine Innocence as the Catholic
Church of England had done earlier. The Vatican is
reportedly cracking down on mystical seers worldwide,
considering charismatic visionaries as a risk to church unity.
1983, Soviet military officer Stanislov Petrov defied standing
orders and delayed a nuclear counterstrike against the US in
response to what seemed to be a US missile attack, which
turned out to be a rare alignment of the sun. Now hailed as a
hero, albeit obscure, who saved millions of lives, Petrov
lives on a modest military pension in Russia. But he has
been honored by the United Nations.
Read about him at In Urantia
Book lore, many readers ran to shelters in this corresponding
time period in an effort to survive a celestially predicted
possible nuclear attack, but a report just in from California notes
that the Petrov incident was in late September and the
supernal warning message came on Oct. 6.
MEDITATIONS. A friend recommends in New Zealand for a
program that enhances deep mind meditation and its benefits.
Just downloaded lots of information on beta-alpha-theta-delta
mind states for reading.
CATHOLIC INITIATIVE. More than 130 Muslim scholars have sent
an open letter to Pope Benedict XVI,
urging a new common ground of love for God and one another.
Scholars are calling the outreach a “landmark.”
LINK. Michael Sones was transported by extraterrestrials from
his Hawaiian home to an architectural sphere near Saturn.
While there, he was told to read the Urantia papers when he
returned to earth. There are audio interviews with Michael at and NASA is reportedly
sending a spacecraft to investigate the sphere. New friend
Curtis Cooperman is tracking the phenomena.
BLESSINGS. Kate Nowak and an inspiring band of colleagues have
launched a global blessings movement and a fine new video at
More fine inspirations to kindness come your way from new
friends at The internet
has become a mecca for people who just want to spread
Transmissions from celestial teacher Rasha anchors a new
website discovery at It’s
fascinating to see how the myriad of messages from supernals
have a common thread and common ground to stand
to third world common folks who want to build a sustainable
business sounds like a viable plan and can be reviewed at When
entrepreneurs repay their loans, financed by microfinance
institutions worldwide, donors get their
money back, perhaps to re-invest again and in the battle
against world poverty.
BOOKS. A national protest has led the federal Bureau of
Prisons to rescind their purge of some selected religious
books in their libraries. Some lingering critics still worry
that their criteria for acceptance will be constitutional and
lawful. I’m sure they will be watching.
ECOLOGY. Naturalist Joseph Graf, who explores human-nature
relationships, expounds recently on how the concept of Real
Estate needs to be replaced with a far better system, one that
recognizes that land is priceless and cannot be owned. Check
his work at and it links to
an arena of perceptions in his other books.
SHIFT. Owen Waters, author of The Shift: The Revolution in
Human Consciousness, is another in a new wave of writers
exploring these quickening times. He lists 9 memes of social
progression on a planet: basic, personal survival; clan
survival, courage, survival of the fittest; finding order and
purpose in life, achievement, striving to succeed; responsible
freedom; and a holistic, global village view. Waters explores
these Spiritual Dynamics in his book at He also
publishes a newsletter out of Dover, Delaware.
MAKE MONEY. Ray Dodd, author of The Power of Belief and CEO of, wants to set
up internet affiliates to share the bucks ($99) when they sell
his self-improvement program. It appears, then, that clear and
positive thinking is best put to use making money, per This is a
questionable concept and ideal to me; there are higher uses
for brilliant thinking. Oh well, it’s not unusual for folks to
turn their positive insights into a business of some
recently revisited to
refamiliarize myself with the channelings of James Padgett in
the early part of last century, which included Jesus, Judas
and others. There is also a lot of opinion and attitude there
re mediumship, spirit communications, and controlling
deceptive spirits. All of it is remindful of the spiritualists
of another era and the ongoing idea today that trance
channeling is the most trustworthy means of celestial
connection. The process of T/R, transmitting-receiving, is a
new concept discussed at the L&L site and at
RELIGION. A US soldier is suing the Department of Defense for
browbeating him on behalf of Christianity and abrogating his
rights. His case is at Looks like a
full-scale battle getting underway with the other side being
evangelicals who reportedly want to “transform” the nations of
the world by military means.
SPEAK. Valerie Donner at transmits Mira,
speaking for the Pleiadian High Council. She is another seer
reporting and transmitting on an accelerated rate of change on
the planet and a spiritual awakening. Valerie works with the
Ascended Masters and Archangels as well. The Pleiadians are a
highly advanced order of beings helping with spiritual growth
on the planet.
global summit with delegations from 21 countries held a summit
Sept. 21-26 for Departments and Ministries of Peace. They’re
working for worldwide cooperation to avert wars and promote
peaceful interactivity among nations.
BREAK! Watch this cockatoo’s excellent dance steps.
GOD-EVOLUTION LINK. At last, an author tells how God created
evolution. Michael Dowd’s Thank God for Evolution, which is
getting high praise from a wide range of religionists, even
Yoko Ono and
friends have erected a peace tower that fills the northern sky
with light, in honor of the late John Lennon and
his famous peace song. Check out
peace wish pictures from school children in Iran at
WEHRLI, a healing energy worker at sends a short
essay on perception shifts in her latest
about Security
Spiritual interests are growing
everywhere. The search for a simpler existence that includes
an all-encompassing natural spirituality has become a true
craving for many. While accepting that we are part of
something bigger, we collaborate with nature and with spirit.
The rapid pace and fragmentation of modern life
creates a lot of stress. Some of this stress is caused by
outdated modes of operation. These are collective patterns
that remain unrecognized. They are subconscious and play out
in ways that perpetuate dysfunction. From birth they influence
every member of society in a chain reaction.
history, religion was mixed with dogmatic principles. In
thinking that there is a perfect way to do and have things,
intuition and inner experience was obscured. This became the
basis for confusion and insecurity, which in turn led to the
unquestioned acceptance of authority figures that proclaimed
dogmatic ideas.
In reality spiritual truth is dynamic;
it cannot be contained within one system. Religious ideas are
relative, and following them must remain a personal decision.
In the end, truth is not learned, it has to be realized
through inner experience.
When spirituality is rooted
in intuition, no one else’s beliefs can threaten it. We simply
understand truth through validation of our inner reality. We
then compare this with the outer circumstances at hand. We
know that those we meet are coming from this very same place.
Their actions and opinions cannot make us feel insecure,
because we value and follow that same process of internal
guidance and outer alignment.
Those who make this
shift in perception and experience become magnets for one
another. Accordingly, the social chain reaction is set in
motion once again. Only this time it is with constructive
patterns that are liberating and equitable to all.
Self-empowered people feel secure, because they trust their
own life. They know that it is no one else but themselves who
create the reality they experience. Thus they have no problem
with taking responsibility for their circumstances. Whatever
may arise, they rest assured that the solution is contained
within the creative power of Spirit that guides their
WHELAN. This lovely friend sends the following:
Courageous Woman of the
Courageous Woman
of the Dawn
Plant your feet,
keep moving on
Love’s ahead,
just up beyond
Courageous Woman
of the Dawn
Don’t look
behind, don’t falter
Just let your
steps be sure
Place your hand
in His hand
This way, you
will endure.
He’ll help you
with your children
He’ll guard your
home from harm
He’ll make sure
love is locked inside
So everyone is
One day, He’ll
stand beside you
In a body you
can see
He’ll take you
in His loving arms
And say, ‘Come
away with me.’
Let’s have a
life together
Off where the
rainbows glow
Courageous Woman
of the Dawn
You’re the one I
want to know.
Hope you enjoyed
issue 17.
Jim Cleveland